Name: Brigid Koszweski
Current EFE position and how long you have held it: Union Officer as Chairwoman for the EFE Sick Bank for at least 15 years.
Number of years in Eastpointe/East Detroit Schools: 31 years young!!!! Started in 1989.
Did you teach anywhere else prior to ECS? Or, did you have another career? When laid off I taught at Chippewa Valley High School for two years.
Current staffing assignment (building, grade, subjects, etc.): High School English and Assessment Leader
What other buildings/positions have you worked in ECS? One year I was transferred to Oakwood Middle School. I’ve also been School Improvement Chair, Class Sponsor, Yearbook Advisor, Debate and Forensics Coach at the high school.
College(s) attended/Degree(s) earned: Bachelor’s Degree Wayne State University/ Master’s Degree Saginaw Valley State University
Why did you choose union leadership? Because of the influence the union's former leaders had on me. They were legends! Greg Knoblock, Mel Rebillot, Tom Hughes, Vicky Barrows, and lest we forget, the Rohloff brothers.
Why is union membership important? It is everything to me. It ties us together as a united family with love, understanding, and support with a loyalty you don't see anymore.
What is your favorite thing about teaching? OR share a special/funny teaching memory. The kids and my colleagues. My first year of teaching my dog, Gypsy, had died. My second hour class saved for months and surprised me with a new dog, Desmond, for Christmas. I will treasure that memory always.
Tell us about your family: Married 30 years to my wonderful husband Kip; have a son, Nicholas (25) and a daughter Cecilia (22). I am a very proud mama.
What are your hobbies/interests outside of teaching? Reading, Cooking, Rescuing Dogs, and playing Keno
A random fact people might not know about you: I cannot swim.