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Scholarship Trust Fund

Benefiting Graduates of Eastpointe High School

The East Detroit Federation of Teachers started with three scholarships over 40 years ago. The trust fund began when a former executive vice-president of the federation, Phil Gentile, bequeathed $2000 to East Detroit Schools. Since that time, the EDFT Scholarship Trust Fund manages many more scholarships awarded to graduates of Eastpointe High School. In 2020, over $21,000 was awarded to 30 different students to pursue their higher education dreams.


A unique aspect of this scholarship program is students only fill out one form to apply to all of the scholarships managed by the EDFT Scholarship Trust Fund. The scholarships are categorized, with some for music students, some for engineering, some for art, and so on. The volunteer board members of the trust fund review all of the applications to determine the awards, which are presented at the Eastpointe High School spring honors banquet.


EDFT Scholarship Trust Fund, Inc. is a registered non-profit. They do hold several fundraisers each year, but they must also raise at least one-third of their income from donations. When you make a donation, you will receive tax documentation, and a card will also be sent to the family. Please be sure to include the name of the person you are donating in honor of, as well as the relationship, name, and address of the family member to be notified of your gift. Checks payable to EDFT Scholarship Trust Fund can be sent to:


EDFT Scholarship Trust Fund c/o

John DiDonato

30092 Mirage Ct

Warren, MI  48093


Graduating seniors of Eastpointe High School should contact their counselor to apply for these scholarships.

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